Embark on a transformative journey to lasting happiness with Dr. Joan Neehall, a renowned clinical psychologist with 30 years of experience. This illuminating podcast dives deep into the realm of psychological wellness as we explore ways of finding true happiness. Discover valuable insights from these professionals including actionable techniques and inspiring stories that will empower you to cultivate joy, embrace positivity, and live your happiest life.

Or listen on:

Happiness On Demand | Episode 12


with Dr. Neehall and Alyn Edwards


Dr.Neehall explains the term, gives pointers on how to spot gaslighting and draws from her clinical experience as she gives suggestions on how to deal with gaslighting.


Happiness On Demand | Episode 11


with Dr. Neehall and Laura Morton

Laura Morton is the author of 60 books and 20 New York Times bestsellers. Her movie Anxious Nation is an award winning documentary film that is available on Amazon Prime and Apple TV and Anxiousnation.com. She focuses on anxiety in her interview with Dr. Neehall. She refers to the data in her film and makes timely useful suggestions that listeners will find invaluable.

Happiness On Demand | Episode 10

Awakening Eroticism

with Dr. Neehall and Alyn Edwards


The focus is on using your imagination to enhance eroticism; What is eroticism? How does it differ from sex? Tips to develop it.


Happiness On Demand | Episode 8

Loss, Grief, Infertility, and Parenting

with Dr. Neehall and Yarona Boster


Dr.Joan Neehall is joined by Yarona Boster for an informative discussion on loss, grief, infertility and parenting. She uses personal anecdotes and clinical examples to drive home her points. If you’ve ever had to deal with grief, loss,infertility and parenting then this is the podcast to glean valuable lessons.

Yarona is an Advanced Certified Life Coach in Parenting, Loss, Trauma and Infertility.  She is also an accomplished TEDx Speaker and Certified Speaker Coach who works with others to land and deliver their very best talks around the world, including on the TEDx stage.  

She worked in the field of early childhood for 15 years, running an Early Intervention Program for babies birth to 3 with developmental delays and disabilities.  In addition to her parenting podcast series “The Evolution of Parenting,” which can be found on Spotify, Amazon Audible, iHeartRadio, Podbean and more, she’ll be releasing “Unspoken Signals,” a parenting book in the Winter of 2023.  

As the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, having suffered acute losses and multiple traumas herself, Yarona believes we are all trying to live a life of purpose in the finite time we have left.


Happiness On Demand | Episode 7

What is languishing and how to get through it

with Dr. Neehall and Alyn Edwards


DrJoan Neehall describes languishing, helps you to identify some of the signs, gives statistics on languishing and defines how it differs from depression and burnout. She gives tips on how to deal with languishing drawing on her clinical experience. If you’re wondering what that ‘blah’ feeling you’re having is then this podcast is for you.


Happiness On Demand | Episode 6

Grief and Ways to Cope With It

with Dr. Neehall and Alyn Edwards


Have you ever felt lost / burdened down with grief?

Do you understand the phenomenon of grief and how it affects us?

Grief is something we all experience in the form of natural disasters, loss, death. In this podcast Dr.Joan Neehall sheds light on grief , how it affects us and how to deal with it.


Happiness On Demand | Episode 5

How Dermatology Affects Psychology

with Dr. Neehall and Dr. Jaggi Rao

Clinical psychologist Dr. Joan Neehall interviews Dr. Jaggi Rao – a double certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon who practices in both Canada and the United States. 

Dr. Rao says dermatology changes lives. Treating people for skin disorders like acne and eczema builds confidence and takes away anxieties that often stand in the way of people moving forward in their lives. Dr. Rao’s practice makes him happy because he helps his patience achieve happiness in their lives.

Happiness On Demand | Episode 4

How To Cope With Eco Anxiety in an Uncertain World

with Dr. Neehall and Alyn Edwards

Join renowned happiness expert Dr. Joan Neehall as she sits down with esteemed public relations consultant and passionate classic car restorer, Alyn Edwards for captivating conversations on the pursuit of happiness in life. In this engaging podcast series, explore the intersection of personal fulfillment, life’s passions, and the art of finding happiness.  Tune in for inspiring stories and practical tips for a more fulfilled life.


Happiness On Demand | Episode 2

Following Your Passions To Happiness

with Dr. Neehall and Alyn Edwards

Join Dr. Joan Neehall and Alyn Edwards as they discuss how Alyn finds happiness and fulfillment through his passion for restoring classic cars. As a journalist and now public relations expert, Alyn has been exposed to a lot of negative aspects of society, however the artistry and community found in restoring classic cars has been a wellspring of happiness in his life as he continues to follow his passion of restoring classic cars.

The Science of Happiness

Happy Is The New Healthy
by Dr. Joan Neehall

Want a book on happiness that makes you happy to read it? That is how you will feel when you read Happy is the New Healthy. Eminent psychologist Dr. Joan Neehall provides witty, practical, up-to-date information replete with engaging case studies.

Available in E-Book & Hard Cover

Dr. Joan Neehall Author

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Have you seen Dr. Neehall on TEDx?

Check out her brand-new TEDx talk: The Happiness Control Panel: Your Key To A Joyful Life!



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