The Science of Happiness

Happy Is The New Healthy
by Dr. Joan Neehall

Want a book on happiness that makes you happy to read it? That is how you will feel when you read Happy is the New Healthy. Eminent psychologist Dr. Joan Neehall provides witty, practical, up-to-date information replete with engaging case studies.

Available in E-Book & Hard Cover

Praise for Happy is the new Healthy

Praise Book Happy is the New Healthy-

“Eminent psychologist Dr. Joan Neehall provides witty, practical, and up-to-date information replete with engaging case studies. Have you missed some vibrant dance steps on your life path? Happy Is The New Healthy will help you reclaim joyful rhythms.”

Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph.D., Director, The Milton H. Erickson Foundation

“Is there anything more important in life than health? But health never happens with-out happiness…Dr. Joan Neehall, Ph.D., not only explores the ways to happiness of the mind but brings to life the concept of psychology of the immune system: a happy mind is a happy immune system.”

Dr. Sveta Silverman, Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology

Happy Is the New Healthy is an outstanding toolkit to help us understand the nature of happiness and how to work toward it…Dr. Neehall provides us with an inspirational roadmap that is enjoyable, practical, rational, and ultimately motivating. This brilliantly written book is pack with highly engaging insights and logical instruction for all readers. With real-world examples and easy-to-follow directions, this guide should be mandatory reading for all students of happiness and seekers of personal success.”

Jaggi Rao, MD, FRCPC, Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Alberta

Happy Is the New Healthy is an outstanding toolkit to help us understand the nature of happiness and how to work toward it…Dr. Neehall provides us with an inspirational roadmap that is enjoyable, practical, rational, and ultimately motivating. This brilliantly written book is pack with highly engaging insights and logical instruction for all readers. With real-world examples and easy-to-follow directions, this guide should be mandatory reading for all students of happiness and seekers of personal success.”

Jaggi Rao, MD, FRCPC, Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Alberta

“If your attempts at discovering real happiness have left you feeling discouraged and disillusioned, take heart. This uncannily timely book provides a roadmap to help you avoid predictable dead ends and find lasting solutions for feeling more joy in your life.”

Michele Weiner-Davis, Author of Healing from Infidelity, Watch TEDx Talk “The Sex-Starved Marriage”

“[Dr. Heehall] describes that the pursuit of happiness frequently leads to unwanted states or negative addictions. Instead, she proposes that we develop positive addictions that support our happiness. She describes the basic building blocks oh happiness such as connections to family, friends, and community; the physiological ingredients of happiness; and effective strategies to help us deal with the inevitable adversities of life.”

KALOYAN TANEV, MD, Director of Clinical Neuropsychiatry Research, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital

About the book

What’s inside





Chapter one


Compare at your own risk

Chapter two



Chapter three


Negative addictions

Chapter four


the value of connection

Chapter five


connecting with others

Chapter six


a bend in the road is not the end of the road

Chapter seven


positive addictions

Chapter eight


motivation for a happier life

Chapter nine


becoming an ingenious survivor during dystopian times: the covid-19 cirsis and beyond

Chapter ten

Dr. Joan Neehall

About the author

Dr. Joan Neehall

Dr. Joan Neehall is a recognized authority on a variety of topics ranging from body dysmorphia to stress management, as well as the new science of happiness. She has participated in numerous panels and discussions addressing such topics as happiness, powerful women, telemedicine, and how to deal with the psychological effects of the lockdown and COVID-19.

In addition to Happy Is the New Healthy, Dr. Joan Neehall has written Perfecting Your Private Practice (2004) and Women Who Roar: Female Pioners in Alberta (2011). She coauthored the bestselling Habit of a Happy Life: 30 Days to a Positive Addiction with Dr. Jeffery Zeig, PhD, in 2018.

Dr. Joan Neehall Author

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