Embark on a transformative journey to lasting happiness with Dr. Joan Neehall, a renowned clinical psychologist with 30 years of experience. This illuminating podcast dives deep into the realm of psychological wellness as we explore ways of finding true happiness. Discover valuable insights from these professionals including actionable techniques and inspiring stories that will empower you to cultivate joy, embrace positivity, and live your happiest life.

Or listen on:

Happiness On Demand | Episode 31

Fearless Flying: Understanding and Dealing with Aerophobia

with Dr. Neehall and Alyn Edwards

Dr Joan Neehall discusses the origins of fear of flying, looks at cultural differences and does a deep dive into useful interventions. Clinical examples help illuminate the issues.

Happiness On Demand | Episode 30

Coping with Anxiety

with Dr. Neehall and Lynn Lyons

Lynn Lyons, world renowned expert on anxiety , takes the listeners on a deep dive exploring anxiety and giving practical strategies. It’s extremely useful  if you or anyone you know is having difficulty coping with anxiety. Join Dr Joan Neehall as she explores this topic with Lynn Lyons.

Happiness On Demand | Episode 29

Navigating the Emotional Highs & Lows of the Holiday Season

with Dr. Neehall and Alyn Edwards

In this episode of Happiness on Demand Dr. Joan Neehall discusses how we can utilize the Happiness Control Panel to help us navigate the many emotional challenges that we can face during the holiday season. This episode includes a number of practical tips and tricks that can be utilized to over come this sometimes emotionally difficult time of year. During the second part of this episode, Dr. Neehall is joined with Alyn Edwards to further dive into the subject with his questions and insights. Happy Holidays.


Happiness On Demand | Episode 28

Using Dyslexia To Increase Your Happiness Quotient

with Dr. Neehall and Mike Randall

In this episode of Happiness On Demand, Dr. Neehall talks to designer-maker Mike Randall on finding fulfillment through community, having a purpose driven life and over-coming obstacles in one’s life journey.

Happiness On Demand | Episode 27

Gratitude Unwrapped: The Power of Thanksgiving in Our Lives

with Dr. Neehall and Alyn Edwards

In this Thanksgiving episode of Happiness On Demand, Dr. Neehall is joined by Alyn Edwards for an insightful discussion on the relationship of gratitude and happiness.

Happiness On Demand | Episode 25

The Happiness Habit

with Dr. Neehall and Tanja Diamond

Dr. Neehall talks to Tanja Diamond a TEDx international speaker, consultant and bestselling author on ways to glean happiness when life throws you curve balls. Delving into her life history and professional growth Tanja shares personal strategies that are easy to use. This is an informative podcast that’s guaranteed to keep you riveted.

Happiness On Demand | Episode 24

The Happiness Habit: How To Deal With Life’s Curveballs

with Dr. Neehall

Join Dr. Neehall explores thoughts on developing a happiness habit.

Happiness On Demand | Episode 23

Eating Disorders: A Way to Solve Them

with Dr. Neehall and Dr. Julie T. Anne Zeig

Obesity is on the rise. Can we permanently cure eating disorders? In this podcast Dr Joan Neehall  clinical psychologist and best selling author of Happy is the new healthy, explores this possibility with Dr Julie T Anne Zeig, an eating disorder expert with over 30 years experience working as a licensed psychologist.

Happiness On Demand | Episode 22

Navigating Friendship

with Dr. Neehall and Alyn Edwards

In this episode of Happiness On Demand, Dr. Neehall discusses the importance of friendship and how it relates to living a happy and healthy life. In the second part of the episode, Dr. Neehall is joined by Alyn Edwards to further unpack the importance of friendship along with tips on how to foster friendships in our lives.

The Science of Happiness

Happy Is The New Healthy
by Dr. Joan Neehall

Want a book on happiness that makes you happy to read it? That is how you will feel when you read Happy is the New Healthy. Eminent psychologist Dr. Joan Neehall provides witty, practical, up-to-date information replete with engaging case studies.

Available in E-Book & Hard Cover

Dr. Joan Neehall Author

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Have you seen Dr. Neehall on TEDx?

Check out her brand-new TEDx talk: The Happiness Control Panel: Your Key To A Joyful Life!



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