Happiness On Demand | Episode 8

Loss, Grief, Infertility, and Parenting with Dr. Neehall and Yarona Boster   Dr.Joan Neehall is joined by Yarona Boster for an informative discussion on loss, grief, infertility and parenting. She uses personal anecdotes and clinical examples to drive home her points....

Happiness On Demand | Episode 7

What is languishing and how to get through it with Dr. Neehall and Alyn Edwards   DrJoan Neehall describes languishing, helps you to identify some of the signs, gives statistics on languishing and defines how it differs from depression and burnout. She gives tips on...

Happiness On Demand | Episode 6

Grief and Ways to Cope With It with Dr. Neehall and Alyn Edwards   Have you ever felt lost / burdened down with grief? Do you understand the phenomenon of grief and how it affects us? Grief is something we all experience in the form of natural disasters, loss, death....

Happiness On Demand | Episode 5

How Dermatology Affects Psychology with Dr. Neehall and Dr. Jaggi Rao Clinical psychologist Dr. Joan Neehall interviews Dr. Jaggi Rao – a double certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon who practices in both Canada and the United States.  Dr. Rao says...

Happiness On Demand | Episode 4

How To Cope With Eco Anxiety in an Uncertain World with Dr. Neehall and Alyn Edwards Join renowned happiness expert Dr. Joan Neehall as she sits down with esteemed public relations consultant and passionate classic car restorer, Alyn Edwards for captivating...

Happiness On Demand | Episode 1

Finding Happiness in the World with Dr. Neehall and Alyn Edwards Join renowned happiness expert Dr. Joan Neehall as she sits down with esteemed public relations consultant and passionate classic car restorer, Alyn Edwards for captivating conversations on the pursuit...
Dr. Joan Neehall Author

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Dr. Joan Neehall Author

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